Who is Eurocredit Business Information

EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION, in possession of regular Public Security Licences ex art. 134 and 115 T.U.L.P.S., is a historic company that has been dealing in Commercial Information for credit entrustment in Italy and abroad and Extrajudicial Credit Recovery since 1968. EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION, through its innovative e-commerce allows you to purchase commercial information online in a simple and secure manner, even with in-depth investigations. The reports are written directly by EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION's informants, who have many years of experience in the sensitive field of investigative information and extrajudicial debt recovery.

Who is it for

EUROCREDIT BUSINESS INFORMATION, by providing business information and asset investigations on both legal entities and natural persons, is mainly addressed to entrepreneurs, credit managers, banks, finance companies, debt collection companies, lawyers, condominium administrators, engineers and any other freelance professionals and private citizens holding a legally relevant right to be protected and/or defended in court